Athletic Hall of Fame
athletics hall of fame
As the new Athletics Center was being constructed, there was a strong desire to create a home for their Athletics Hall of Fame, which currently existed only on the School’s website. During the discovery phase, the teams uncovered previously unconsidered opportunities to consider in addition to recognizing athletic excellence.
The end result is the feature wall as you enter the building that tells the historical story of the athletics program, strong branding, recognition of honorees, and the ability to use as a recruitment tool for prospective students and their parents. Utilizing a combination of cost effective and easy to update transparency inserts with dynamic video/audio/text storytelling capabilities with interactive touchscreen, we have an impressive visual that is sure to deepen the bond between the stakeholders and the institution.
The feature wall is seen right when you enter the building and it tells the historical story of the athletics program, it has strong branding, and it has recognition of honorees.